Thursday, 28 October 2010

The Lancet Edge

In reality some Munro Tops can be disappointing, such as Meall Garbh where we were with the Club as part of the Chno Dearg walk last weekend. Others however are vastly more interesting, so I thought I would post a few pictures of Sgor Iutharn which I climbed the following day. The classic route is up "The Lancet Edge" from the direction of Culra bothy. It's a pretty steep ascent to the summit of this hill (1028m) and at first there are no real difficulties but nearer the summit there's a bit of exposure particularly on the right where the cliffs seem to fall straight down to Loch an Sgoir , and some slabby rocks to clamber over. On Monday there was still a bit of residual snow, so care was required.

The photos show a general view of the hill, the part near the summit, and a view from that point looking back down the Lancet Edge. You can climb this hill from other directions, but I'm sure Andrew G would agree with me that this is the route of choice !

Friday, 22 October 2010

For Map Geeks !

On 30th September I found myself walking from Carn Etchachan (a Munro Top of Ben Macdui) to Creagan a Choire Etchachan ( a Top of Derry Cairngorm) and made a conscious effort to visit a little spot which has fascinated me. It's the meeting place of four of the one hundred kilometres squares, so that within a few steps you can stand in grid squares NH, then NJ, NN, and NO. It makes your GPS work overtime ! I suppose the actual grid reference would be NJ000000 ?
Anyway I discovered I was not the only sad person around - someone before me had erected this tiny "cairn" which is just to the left of the little lochan in the other photo.
There you are - I've saved you the bother of going to look for yourself (although Andrew G admitted that he's been there as well ! )

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Not a Cloud....

Well, not in the sky anyway! On Monday I set off with Ben from Glencoe ski centre to climb Meall a Bhuiridhe. The conditions were perfect, not a breath of wind, the sun in the sky, and we were quickly above the morning clouds. We managed the wee bit of scrambling on the ridge over to Creise and returned by our ascent route. What a wonderful day.