Friday, 24 June 2011

More on Blog problems

A search with Google reveals that lots of people are  having problems adding comments, especially since last month  ! See this link for example.

There are two suggested fixes in this page  -

1) change the comment form style to use a "full page form". I have done this.

2) blog users should permit "third party cookies" in the browser. To do this, click on "Edit", then "Preferences" and "accept third party cookies".

Could people try this and let me know how they get on. It would be useful, if you could also say which browser (Firefox, Opera,IE,...) you are using and whether you allow third party cookies.



Norman W said...

I've fiddled with "cookies" so hope this sorts my problem. I'm on Internet Explorer.(V 8 I think ! )
Thanks Ron for all your valuable assistance.

Ron said...

Also, I have noticed that upgrades of the browser (or browser add-ons !) sometimes silently disable cookies. So even if you have checked previously that you have cookies enabled, please check again if you have problems.

Sarah said...

No idea how to do either of the things Ron suggests. Sorry Ron, and I thought I was pretty computer literate...
Anyway blog page seems to have changed its format...
Let's see if I can post this....