Monday 11 July 2011

Aonach Eagach

I joined the club this week to navigate the Aonoch Eagach ridge and what a great time I had. It was a hard but satisfying day but tired legs were forgotten as we gradually put each difficult, and there are many, problems behind. It was much harder than I remembered, I'm sure someones been adding bits on. Sitting on the first top, Am Bodach, the cloud rolled in and blotted out the terrific views and I thought that was it but just as quickly they rolled away and luckily kept away all day. So we had the best day possible, great views and the most exciting scrambles. There is, of course, two Munros but they come well down the list of achievement. This was my fourth traverse of the ridge and I don't know if there will be a fifth but if it is my last time I signed off on a high ( should be on the programme every year)


bill robinson said...

sorry about the attrocious english must get some lessons. there should be a "we" between as and gradually

Ron said...

I have added Martine's report and photos from Martine and Mike to the web-site.


Sarah said...

I'm sorry I missed it. I agree Bill, it should be on the programme every year!