Wednesday 14 July 2010

Failure on the In Pin

Three weeks ago, five of us went to Skye for two days with the intention of climbing the In Pin on the first day.Two weeks previous we went to the Glasgow Climbing Centre to practise under instruction how to climb and abseil. At the end of the course we abseiled twice 70feet down the outside of the building and this gave me confidence for the trip to Skye.
On the big day we set off with our guide in good weather conditions with a forecast of sun and a light shower in the afternoon though as we were to discover later, in Skye they do not do light showers, only continous downpours.
By the time we were halve way up Sgurr Dearg the white puffy clouds were turning to grey misty clouds and getting thicker as we gained height. When we reached the summit of Sgurr Dearg it was thick cloud, then we droped down then back up to a ridge with the In Pin in front of us covered in thick cloud. We had lunch while waiting our turn to go down to the beginning of the Pin and when time came for us to get strated the cloud was even thicker and the wind had got up. The decision was made to go ahead though by the time the ropes were set up it had started to rain. I was second to go and by now the wind and rain was heavy, though I set off and to my surprise I did the first pitch to the halve way point, very steadily and only pausing at one rock slab where I could not see foot holds very clearly at first. After doing the first pitch, the real problem arose. The person at the top could not get the rope down due to the severe wind as it kept blowing over to my right. After what seemed like ages the decision was made to abandon the climb and then panic set in when I was told I would have to go back down the way I came up.
I focused myself then went back down and was pleased with how I had coped and will try to get up to Skye next month while my confidence is high.
Wednesday was a total washout as we gave up just over halve way up Sgurr nan Gillean because of the wind and rain. The lady that owned the B&B that we were staying at told us that they had not had rain for 6-8 weeks. Just our luck.

1 comment:

Norman W said...

That's really disappointing for you and your friends Les. I guess I've just been lucky in my timing whilst there, but it doesn't always work - I'm away for a week up North tomorrow, and the forecast looks pretty grim. Any way, I'm sure you'll enjoy your next visit to Skye, and keep us advised.